Low-Complexity Adaptive Detector in Single-User MIMO System
Woon-Sang Lee, Jae-Hyun Ro, Hyun-Sun Hwang, and Hyoung-Kyu Song
1.Department of Information and Communications Engineering, Sejong University, uT Communication Research Institute Gunja-dong 98, Gwangjin-gu, Seoul 05006, Korea
Abstract—This paper proposes low-complexity adaptive detector that uses different detector according to signal to noise ratio (SNR) in single-user (SU) multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) wireless communications network. The proposed scheme uses decision feedback equalizer (DFE) detector [1] when the measured SNR is higher than target SNR which is required to obtain bit error rate (BER) 10-3 and uses combined QR decomposition (QRD)-M based on threshold and DFE detector when the measured SNR is lower than target SNR. The simulation results show that although the BER performance for the proposed scheme is lower than combined QRD-M and DFE, the required complexity is significantly decreased. Another important feature is that complexity for proposed scheme is steadily decreased by up to 99% as SNR increases.
Index Terms—QRD-M, DFE, threshold, low-complexity
Cite: Woon-Sang Lee, Jae-Hyun Ro, Hyun-Sun Hwang, and Hyoung-Kyu Song, "Low-Complexity Adaptive Detector in Single-User MIMO System," International Journal of Signal Processing Systems, Vol. 7, No. 4, pp. 129-132, December 2019. doi: 10.18178/ijsps.7.4.129-132
Index Terms—QRD-M, DFE, threshold, low-complexity
Cite: Woon-Sang Lee, Jae-Hyun Ro, Hyun-Sun Hwang, and Hyoung-Kyu Song, "Low-Complexity Adaptive Detector in Single-User MIMO System," International Journal of Signal Processing Systems, Vol. 7, No. 4, pp. 129-132, December 2019. doi: 10.18178/ijsps.7.4.129-132
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