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Improved High Dynamic Range Video Coding with a Nonlinearity Based on Natural Image Statistics

Yasuko Sugito1, Praveen Cyriac2, David Kane2, and Marcelo Bertalmío2
1.Science and Technology Research Laboratories, NHK, Tokyo, Japan
2.Dept. of Information and Communication Technologies, Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Barcelona, Spain
Abstract—High Dynamic Range (HDR) technologies support the capture and presentation of a wider range of luminance values than conventional systems. An important element of video processing is the transfer function which should emulate human perception and this needs to be revisited for HDR content and displays. In the paper, we adapt a nonlinearity designed for the tone-mapping problem to the problem of video coding. We test the nonlinearity using the Motion Picture Experts Group methodology and find it can outperform existing methods in terms of HDR video quality measure.

Index Terms—High Dynamic Range (HDR), HDR-television (HDR-TV), Transfer Function (TF), video coding, video compression

Cite: Yasuko Sugito, Praveen Cyriac, David Kane, and Marcelo Bertalmío, "Improved High Dynamic Range Video Coding with a Nonlinearity Based on Natural Image Statistics," International Journal of Signal Processing Systems, Vol. 5, No. 3, pp. 100-105, September 2017. doi: 10.18178/ijsps.5.3.100-105

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