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Dynamic Channelization Model Based on Non-maximally Decimated Filter Bank

Tong Liu 1, Fangming Shi 1, Wenxu Zhang 1, and Jianbo Hu 2
1. College of Information and Communication Engineering, Harbin Engineering University, Harbin, China
2. 92956 Unit of the Chinese Peoples Liberation Army, Dalian 116041, China
Abstract—A model is proposed, called dynamic channelization model based on non-maximally decimated filter bank, to solve the uncertainty and time-varying nature of subband signals’ number, bandwidth and location distribution. The structure divided the receiving signal into several sub bands evenly based on signal reconstruction theory. We input the adjacent subbands signals which belongs to the same channel to the corresponding integrated filter banks, and the output is the base band signal for this channel. Furthermore, without changing the analysis filter bank, we just need to update the energy detection link to obtain the position information of the new signal can get the corresponding integrated filter banks to complete signal receiving and processing when the signal changes. Namely, it has a certain adaptive characteristics.
Index Terms—non-maximally decimated, filter banks, dynamic channelization, reconstruction

Cite: Tong Liu, Fangming Shi, Wenxu Zhang, and Jianbo Hu, "Dynamic Channelization Model Based on Non-maximally Decimated Filter Bank," International Journal of Signal Processing Systems, Vol. 5, No. 2, pp. 49-54, June 2017. doi: 10.18178/ijsps.5.2.49-54
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