Reducing Time-Related Demands of Flow-Based Network Monitoring Tools Emerging during Data Processing
Adrián Pekár and Martin Chovanec
Institute of Computer Technology of the Technical University of Košice, B. Němcovej 3, 042 00 Košice, Slovakia
Abstract—This paper deals with the time-related demands of flow-based network monitoring tools emerging during data analysis and visualization. Nowadays, most of the monitoring tools are based on flow measurement. Despite its popularity it is still surrounded by several issues, especially in case of data analysis and visualization. As networks are continuously growing in size, connected users and the volume of transmitted traffic, monitoring tools generate more and more measurement data. In consequence, processing the queries by the storage systems and the subsequent visualization of the results by the analyzing applications represent an excessive response time of the flow-based monitoring tools, thus their operation and management are becoming complex. In this paper we provide a solution for mitigating the time-related demands of flow-based monitoring tools emerging during data analysis and visualization.
Index Terms—data analysis and visualization, IPFIX, MongoDB, network traffic monitoring
Cite: Adrián Pekár and Martin Chovanec, "Reducing Time-Related Demands of Flow-Based Network Monitoring Tools Emerging during Data Processing," International Journal of Signal Processing Systems, Vol. 4, No. 6, pp. 537-541, December 2016. doi: 10.18178/ijsps.4.6.537-541
Cite: Adrián Pekár and Martin Chovanec, "Reducing Time-Related Demands of Flow-Based Network Monitoring Tools Emerging during Data Processing," International Journal of Signal Processing Systems, Vol. 4, No. 6, pp. 537-541, December 2016. doi: 10.18178/ijsps.4.6.537-541