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A Comparative Performance of Various Speech Analysis-Synthesis Techniques

Ankita N. Chadha, Jagannath H. Nirmal, and Pramod Kachare
K.J. Somaiya College of Engineering, Department of Electronics, Mumbai, India
Abstract—In this paper, we present a comparative performance of the various analysis-synthesis techniques which separate the acoustic parameters and allow the reconstruction of the speech signal, which is very close to original speech. The analysis-synthesis of speech signal is used for speech enhancement, speech coding, speech synthesis, speech modification and voice conversion. Our comparative study includes Linear Predictive Coder, Cepstral Coder, Harmonic Noise Model based coder and Mel-Cepstrum Envelope with Mel Log Spectral Approximation. The comparative performance of these vocoders is evaluated using different objective measures namely line spectral distortion, Mel cepstral distortion and signal to noise ratio. Along with objective measures, subjective measure, mean opinion score is also considered to evaluate the quality and naturalness of the resynthesized speech in term of original speech.
Index Terms—acoustic parameters, complex cepstrum, harmonic noise model, linear predictive coefficients, mel-cepstrum envelope, mel log spectral approximation, vocoder

Cite: Ankita N. Chadha, Jagannath H. Nirmal, and Pramod Kachare, "A Comparative Performance of Various Speech Analysis-Synthesis Techniques," International Journal of Signal Processing Systems, Vol. 2, No. 1, pp. 17-22, June 2014. doi: 10.12720/ijsps.2.1.17-22
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